Do not tell a soul. I am about to reveal my secrets to getting women.
Well, they only seem like "secrets" because they are so steeped in common sense that many men fail to follow them.
On the dating women radio show that I co-host, we tell guys all the time to keep the following 5 things in mind.
ONE: You must pass the physical attraction test
I love the internet "gurus" that tell me I can have any woman I want. I am bald and not tall. What if she likes a guy with flowing hair over 6 feet tall? I am out. In spite of all my knowledge about dating and relationships, I will not get anywhere with her. "But women are different," you protest.
They may approach dating and relationships in a different manner but they are still, after all, human.
TWO: Keep it light and funny
I cannot tell you the amount of women that tell me that they really liked a guy but when he rolled up talking about his divorce and all sorts of other disappointments on the first couple of dates, they got turned off.
As Cyndi Lauper said, "Girls just want to have fun." If you are on a date with her then keep it light and funny!
THREE: Let her do the talking
Maybe you do not have your light and funny game honed quite yet. I can work with that if you keep your mouth shut because we want her to do most of the talking anyway. Are you proud of the new car or job you got? Think it will impress her? Think again. Women get into a euphoric high when they talk about themselves and most are turned off when you try to impress her with your toys or accomplishments.
You were given 2 ears and 1 mouth by God so use them as intended!
FOUR: Stay out of her face and space
Men want to sell, sell, sell. I suppose it is how we are raised. Get that promotion! Score the TD! Do more pull ups! Push, push push! With women this does not work. She wants to WONDER whether or not you are into her or not. She has every other guy trying to put his hands all over her. She has every other guy calling all the time trying to get with her 7 days a week. You need to be the "in the background" guy that she wonders about because you keep your hands to yourself, you are a gentleman, you keep it light and funny and you disappear for days at a time without her knowing what you are up to.
Women respond to mystery and challenge (plus fun).
FIVE: Remember it is a numbers game
Out of 10 women you approach, you might get 1 date you are interested in. 5 women will blow you off entirely. 3 will give you the number and disappear. 1 will go out with you but you will not be interested in.
These numbers could be higher or lower depending on you but even the hottest Hollywood hunk is not going to ultimately sell every woman. We did a story on a real hot star a few years back on our radio show and his wife was divorcing him.
The key thing to keep in mind? Dating is like sales. The more you ask, the better chance you have of finding the woman that is right for you.
Remember guys, there are no secrets to getting women. Just common sense that is uncommon in its practice.
Find out more secrets to getting women by clicking now! Actually, you will just get more "common sense" and have access to our free dating women radio show!
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Jeff M. Stevens is heard all over the US on several commercial radio stations as co-host of The Doc Love Show. Jeff is compensated by Doc to write these articles and when you buy products from Doc.