Every man needs love in his life. Even the loners secretly want to be understood by that one special girl. However, the basics of starting a relationship are too confusing if you don't have any idea how to approach women.
You might feel like you have no control of the way women perceive you, but let me tell you this: you can get women to like you just by following three simple steps.
1. Get Social Proof
If a woman sees you having fun with your group in a party, she will immediately think that you're fun to be with. Play this up a notch higher by talking to women and bantering with them.
It's a fact that women will feel more comfortable talking to guys who have previously made other women laugh than those who have been keeping to themselves all evening. So, to get women to like you, you must show that you're socially accepted and proofed by other hot women.
2. Do NOT buy her affection
Buying drinks and gifts to get women to like you is one of the biggest mistakes you will ever make. She will like the fact that she's getting free drinks but she will get turned off by the feeling of being bought. A part of her screams 'yuck' whenever she feels pressured to go out with you just because you bought her something. Society has a very nasty term for women who go out with men just because these men bought them something, and if she's like other women, she will hate this feeling of being "paid" to go out with a guy.
3. The scarcity method
Even without expert advice, you instinctively know that being too available will do more harm than good. If you try too hard to get her number, her regard for you will tank.
It's just the way women think. Look, when women shop for something, they buy the rarest brands they can afford, and hold off buying the cheap, easily available items. Why? Because the more available an item is, the less value they associate with it.
If she asks if you go to that particular bar often, just tell her you go there maybe once every week tops. She doesn't need to know you go there every night. This will put pressure on her to find ways to reconnect with you.
Now here's a bonus tip that you'll find useful if you want to know how to get women to like you...
There exists a step-by-step system that many guys use to flirt and create attraction with ANY woman that they meet: Details can be found at the following website: http://www.flirtmastery.com
The "Flirt Mastery" system contains 283 pages of proven techniques for building sexual tension EVERY time you talk to women. Created through my own personal experiences, this guide was specifically created to help you whenever you want to make a woman like you. Since flirting is at the heart of all attraction, this book gives the exact word-for-word statements to say to make any girl interested.
Click on the following link and learn simple Get Women to Like You advice and tips.