2011年4月28日 星期四

How to Get Women Without Good Looks Or Lots of Money

Maybe you have been thinking why some women seem so hard to get. Like only rock stars could have them and you had no chance to attract them. If you think like this and accept that very beautiful women are only for some special guys then you should think again.

I mean lots of men can be wrong about it because this can be your current reality, but you can change that reality considerably into something different. I am a regular guy, sitting in this lounge right now. Women don?t even notice me while I?m typing behind my computer. But I don?t even want women to notice me when I don?t need it. Because I can get their attention and number any time I like and that?s the fun part of it.

If I would look like a foxy seducer, women would notice me, but they would feel threatened because I would look like someone who is looking for a next girl to take in my bed. The thing is, you do not have to be a seducer to know how to get women. Seducer can be recognized instantly as a guy who is trying to get somewhere with women. And most women with high self esteem don?t like it. They see trough you.

The biggest secret how to get women is to handle your "inner game". This means that before you learn any pick up lines or techniques, you must get your inner game handled.

Perfect inner game means that you have a life of your own. You have things to do and you have your own strong opinions and angles about life. You have your own strong reality, like you live in your own little world.

Imagine James Bond, he lives in his own reality and he does not care what other people think about him or his actions. Women are really attracted to men who have their life together.

From the other point of view, if you have nothing in your life going on, then you should start taking in some activities that make your life looking more attractive. This way you become a real man who does not need women, he rather wants women. There is a huge difference between wanting a women or needing a women.

If you think how to get women, then you need to be a real man not some another pick up artist. Real man means that you have strong sexual confidence, strong inner game, you present dominance and you are overly selective about everything. Lots of guys want to know how to get women or how to impress women. What you should do is to look at it from being a best man for yourself, not being a best man for any woman.

If you have a life together, then you will seem very attractive to woman, even if you don?t look handsome. This is the real secret about how to get women. I have had ultra success with women without having lots of money or good looks. Women want the real you not substitution with money.

Do not talk about your income at all when you first meet her. Do not talk about your job, make her curious, be a mysterious rather than giving all out on the first dates.

So how to get any women? First believe that you can have any hot women beside you. Develop your inner game and confidence. Do not try to be another pick up artist who women see trough as an danger. Show her your best quality traits and do not try to substitute your personality with providing things. Make her curious about you. When you start to apply these techniques and thinking forms, then you are way ahead of 99% of the other man thinking about how to get women.

