Price: $10.00
2011年4月9日 星期六
14 Tablet Package of IOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets (130 mg. per tablet, 14 tablets per package) Fresh Dating
14 Tablet Package of IOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets (130 mg. per tablet, 14 tablets per package)IOSAT Potassium Iodide TabletsiOSAT is the first a? Radiation Protectivea? or Thyroid Blockinga? agent to be sold directly to the general public. Its active ingredient, 130 mg. of potassium iodide (KI), gives virtually complete protection from the most feared consequence of a nuclear accident - a meltdown and release of radioactive iodine into the environment.Radioactive iodine (primarily I-131) is a waste product of nuclear fission produced in reactors and bombs. Its potential impact on human health is staggering, and it could affect more people (perhaps far more people) than all other radioactive sources combined. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reports indicate that a major release could injure hundreds of thousands of people, and many believe that the government is underestimating the danger.What makes I-131 so dangerous is that the body can not distinguish it from ordinary iodine. As a result, if it is accidentally swallowed (in contaminated food or water), or inhaled (it can remain in the atmosphere for days), it will be absorbed into the thyroid gland and will remain there long enough to slowly poison its victim. It can take 20 to 30 years, but eventually it can lead to cancer, thyroid damage, growth and birth defects, or death. Children, whose thyroids are especially active, are extremely susceptible to it.But iOSAT protects against radioactive iodine by preventing its absorption by the thyroid gland. iOSAT saturates (blocks) the thyroid with stable iodine, a? filling it to capacitya? . Once filled, the gland a? turns offa? its absorption mechanism, and it will remain off long enough for the radioactive iodine to disappear naturally. This method of protection is extremely safe and effective, and up to 99% of all radiation induced thyroid damage can be avoided by the use of iOSAT .The value of potassium io
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