2011年4月19日 星期二

How to Get Women to Do Anything You Say - Dominate Them Like a True Man

Guys are expected to have the leading role in a relationship. Most girls wouldn't say this out loud but it's a fact that men, in general, make better leader. Women like the leading capabilities of their men because it takes some responsibilities of their back.

It is not only today that most of the important decisions are being made by men. It has been so in the past and this will probably continue to be the case until the end of time. These roles come forth from the men's and women's nature. If you can't lead a particular group or make your own decisions, you can say that that is an aspect which you lack; one that most women heavily appreciate.

When it comes to dating, you will notice that you will receive a lot more interest of your date when you show that you have both skills and can make decisions for the both of you. Therefore it is nice to create a dominant aura around you and show your date that you are not afraid to make decisions. Below you will be able to find three techniques to create that dominant aura which will attract more women in your life...

How To Get Women To Do Anything You Say - Dominate Them Like A True Man

Technique #1. "Your first approach". Try to be yourself on a first date even though you should not show your weaknesses. Try to not give yourself completely during a first date and make her come back for more. Most women like to test you and want to know everything about you. Try to spin some questions around in a funny way and you will see that she will not only like you because you are funny, but that she will also know that you are not a quire boy.

Technique #2. "Don't hold back". Make sure that you play your role while the both of you are making choices. Especially when it comes to the bigger choices in life, you should be the one that gives well thought through comment and make the final decision.

Technique #3: "Hypnosis". This is the most powerful technique of the lot. It involves using hypnotic seduction techniques to dominate women so that they do what you want them to do. One such hypnosis technique, called fractionation, involves bringing the girl through an emotional roller coaster in a conversation. In the process, she is made to be 'emotionally anchored' to you via a series of specific steps.

Fractionation is known to be able to make women fall in love super quickly - in 15 minutes (or less). Because of its purported "superpowers", the technique has been controversial to say the least.

But before you use this technique, you must heed this warning...

Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists. It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (http://www.DeadlySeduction.com).

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous.

But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this instead...

