2011年6月25日 星期六

How You Can Get Your Ex Lover Back in 3 Steps

Have you just recently encountered a break up in your relationship, and are wondering "how can I get my ex lover back"?

You may want to get your ex lover back promptly, and this is a wide spread feeling that everyone has. You may find yourself falling into an emotionally bummed out state, and you may ask yourself what to do. You may instantly want to call your ex lover and beg them to come back to you. But will this really make things better? Instead of making things better, it will more than likely make your situation much worse by pushing your ex lover even further away.

What you need to do at this time is the opposite of how you are feeling. When you feel like calling your ex lover? Don't! Do you feel like staying in bed and crying all day? Don't! Start by following these three basic steps and you will have the answer that you need to the question "how can I get my ex lover back"?

# 1 -Acknowledge the Break Up:

In the first place, you need to accept that the break up is happening. Tell your ex lover that you are okay with it. Inform them that you are ready for the "moving on" step to start. When you do this, it removes a large amount of the stress and tension that is being experienced by both partners. Your ex lover will need time to contemplate the relationship, and this gives you time to consider your options. If your ex thinks that they still love you, they will get back together with you.

Step 2 - Do not contact your ex lover:

Do not try to contact your ex lover at this time. Do not have any communications with them. This will give them some time to think.This may seem counterintuitive, but by not allowing any communication with them,you are letting them know that you are moving on and that you are doing great. This will allow them to think about how much they value the relationship. It will also give them some time to miss you again. When you can detach yourself from your ex lover and your nerves calm down, this may be a good time for them to realize how important you were to them.

Step 3 - Plan Ahead:

Start planning for the get together. Once you have finished the two steps above, you need to start working on when you should meet, where you should meet, and what you need to say when you do meet up again. This will allow you to have a better idea if your ex lover still loves you or not, and if there is any chance that you and your ex lover will be able to get back together.

"How can I get my ex lover back?" may be more complicated than the three steps above. But they give a good start and will dramatically improve your chances of getting your ex lover back.

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