2011年6月12日 星期日

How to Be a Better Lover (Without Stupid Tricks)

Most guys want to know how to be a better lover... no matter how good we might already be. I think it's just one of those things where you can never be too good. But that doesn't mean most guys do anything about it.

It's kind of like becoming a millionaire... most people want the goal but go for the quick fix of buying a lotto ticket. But I think we all realize this isn't the best approach we can take. And that's why I'm not talking about silly little tricks in bed - after all - we're not dogs!

Thank You Captain Obvious

Now this could be an article about foreplay and all that jazz but better sex starts before that. It starts before you give your lover that first seductive glance. It really starts before you ever meet.

Because being great in bed has less to do with impressing your partner than it does just being comfortable with yourself. You've all seen the guys who are completely comfortable around women. These are the guys that are great in bed simply because they're comfortable with themselves.

The Truth About Sex

The truth is there are too many hangups when it comes to the bedroom. But then I don't blame us for that either considering all the sexual stuff we're assaulted with in our daily lives. If some magazine isn't screaming at us about 101 ways to give a woman a screaming orgasm then we're witnessing in on TV or seeing it in ads.

This puts us under a lot of pressure when it comes to perform! Because of course it's completely the man's fault if things don't go right in bed... yeah right. I've met many women who had hangups about sex and couldn't enjoy themselves as well.

It's Time To Loosen Up

To be better in bed we need to be more comfortable with ourselves. And that starts long before we reach the bedroom. We have to accept our faults but always remember that they're not permanent.

You can change anything you want about life including sex. It's just a matter of going out there and doing it. While the cliche "mind over matter" is often used it is very appropriate in this case.

Your Mind Drives Your Sexual Abilities

By being confident in your own mind your sexual performance will improve. Because when you stop worrying and just act in the moment sex becomes very natural. It's the fear of poor performance that ultimately leads to disaster.

By learning how to focus your mind on the positive you'll have better control over your orgasm as well. The second you think you're going to ejaculate... guess what happens. You get what you focus on.

The Premature Ejaculation Problem

Premature ejaculation is usually not a physical problem. It's usually something in your mind. It occurs when you link up bad thoughts to sex.

My Own Premature Ejaculation Nightmare

With my first girlfriends I was great in bed. Then I got dumped and went without for a few years as I learned the ropes of dating. When I finally got to have sex again I had completely lost my confidence with women and suddenly started premature ejaculating.

But I studied and took the time to learn a few things... so now I know how to control my mind and my orgasm. I'm back to being able to choose when the time is right.

You Have The Power!

You have the power to have anything you want in life. If you want to be the lover straight out of the movies that leaves women exhausted and begging for more... then you can be that lover.

It may not be an overnight thing but you can reach these goals. And probably a lot easier than you realise. But you need to get your mind under control... no matter what you want in life.

Study... Learn... Apply...

There are many places to learn about sex on the internet. While some might not give the best advice you can always learn something. All you have to do is commit to being a better lover.

At least we have the internet now. Spare a thought for all those men and women suffering in silence just a few years ago. Now we have a wealth of information at our finger tips.

The Truth About How To Be A Better Lover

If you want to learn how to be a better lover then the knowledge is here for the taking. But remember to just relax and control your mind... not the other way around. It may not give your lover multiple screaming orgasms overnight but then hey... neither will the other stuff that people are trying to sell you.

Tyler is a regular guy who enjoys sex and pleasuring his lovers. When he realized a lot of other guys were having the same problems he'd had in the past, he started his website: http://www.AmazingYourLovers.com that contains tons of free tips and articles.

So if you found this article useful visit his website to learn more about how to be a better lover.

