2011年6月14日 星期二

How Do I Bring My Lover Back?

Everyone is telling you to forget him or her but all you can think of is, "How do I bring my lover back." Breaking up with someone is difficult. This is especially true when you still love that person. And, it's even more difficult when you know this person is the one you are supposed to be with. But just because the two of you broke up doesn't mean you can't get back together again. If you are asking, "How do I bring my lover back?" here are a couple of things you need to do.

First, if you find yourself constantly trying to contact this person whether by text, e-mails, phone calls, etc. This activity needs to stop. This is an absolute must especially if you're constantly telling them how much you miss them or how lost or lonely you are without them. This is hard when you still have so many feelings for your ex. But, if this has been your pattern, it has to stop if you want any hope of bringing your lover back. If you don't stop, you will only push them farther away.

Your best move at this point is to apologize for making the issue so hard for the both of you. Tell him or her that you won't be bothering them anymore and apologize for your behavior.

The next step and sometimes the hardest is to tell your ex-lover that you agree with him or her. Breaking up is the best thing for the both of you. Thank them for the memories and wish them well and then leave.

Now, you're probably wondering, "how do I bring my lover back by doing this?" And at one time in my life, I would have asked the same question. But see, a funny thing happens in the other person when the tables get turned in such a manner. For some reason, this move creates interest, questions, and a certain amount of curiosity. Maybe it's just our human nature but it is how our minds and emotions work. We want things we can't have and now all of the sudden, you've just become something he or she can't have.

At this point, you've also just become a different person in the other person's eyes. You're probably wondering why. Well the reason is that you are no longer the sad, depressed, weak person that was constantly calling, texting, or emailing. Now you are seen as more confident, strong, and independent by your ex. And guess what? That's attractive. All of the sudden, you starting showing that side of you that your ex fell in love with in the first place.

Somehow along the way in relationships we lose those qualities or attractions that brought us together originally. And though change and growth are good things, we don't want to lose those traits or features that got us connected when we first got together such as confidence, independence, and strength.

By following the two steps above you'll regain your ex's interest and ignite the spark to get that flame going again.

Time is of the essence when it comes to getting your lover back. After a period of time goes by, usually indifference fills its place and that's when it becomes more difficult to achieve your dream to bring my lover back. So don't delay in getting started and good luck.

Author: J Chris of http://www.squidoo.com/bringmyloverback - Are you going through a break up? Are you still in love with the one who is leaving? Goodbye doesn't have to mean forever. If you are wondering how to bring my lover back, go to this link and learn the answer about how to bring my lover back and make the relationship better and stronger for the both of you.

