How does this apply to job search? "It's about how to develop a strategy that creates the convenience," says Roy Cohen, 55, a career counselor in New York and executive coach who previously treated outplacement Goldman Sachs. Cohen is the author of The guide Wall Street professional survival.
Pictures: dating tips that could get a job
According to Cohen, many of the rules in rules work well for job-hunters. Example: rule no. 7, don't accept a date Saturday night after Wednesday. In other words, don't make yourself available at the last minute. Many unemployed people picked up the telephone at 11: 30 in the morning and got a hiring manager who says, "we have time to watch it, you can come this afternoon?" Especially nowadays, most desperate candidates are inclined to say "Yes! My schedule is open! " Wrong answer, says Cohen. "You need to create interest and attractiveness," he explains. "You do this by appearing slightly unavailable".
Don't lie, he advises. But by Registry most people have some sense of how they will spend the afternoon. Stick to your plan and tell the potential employer that you can find the following day. "Suddenly, if you say that you can see, you are committing, you're giving something up," says Cohen. Instead, he suggests, "you just say, ' I wish I was free this afternoon, but I can't. I can move my schedule for tomorrow or the next day. How does that sound to you? ' " This way you are offering an option, but even giving the impression that you are busy and in demand.
That such a rule no. 2, "don't talk"? Cohen suggested a modified version of this directive. If you sit down for a job interview and a strange silence ensues, consider saying something like, "it's great to be here, thank you so much for spending time with me," he says. It is important to appear socially qualified while at the same time allowing the interviewer to define the colloquial tone. "You don't want to say or do something that can put it to the wrong light," says Cohen. If you allow the interviewer to take the lead in their conversation, he adds, "you demonstrate that it is willing to perform for him."
Even in the current hiring grim atmosphere, it is important to show employers that you have many options, you're busy and desirable. But what if you have exhausted the online job boards, company posts and recruiters in your field and come up empty? Choose a company that wants to work for, and then tap all of your networks, LinkedIn for your Alumni Association, college to find a way in. Study the corporate culture. Learn more about the area in which you want to work. forge relationships with people inside. "It's like dating," says Cohen. "It is not possible to establish the rules before you're even in the game".
Unlike rules, Cohen says that the rules of search for employment for males and females in equal measure. Example: A male customer, Cohen was looking for a job as Manager of hedge fund portfolio. He was in talks with three different funds. That for which he least wanted to work encouraged him to accept an offer. Cohen helped his client to discover how slow things down with employers anxious. The client called the other companies and said, ' things are warming up to me now. ' However, he said that the hot-to-trot he was excited with the offer but he needed to tie up some loose ends. Cohen says, "sometimes it makes sense to delete a suitor, because he is right."
Pictures: dating tips that could get a job