Let me ask you, Does the prospect of a woman walking up to you and striking up conversation with little or no effort on your part seem like a distant reality? It's very rare to find a girl approaching a guy. Research shows that generally quite a number of men will turn down a woman's advances. Crazy isn't it. Why turn her down? This brings us to the mechanics on how to get women to approach you.
Acknowledge that, women will not just walk up to any guy they see.
Understand women suck at approaching men and they know it, so for a her to risk the prospects of rejection and approach you. Dude you need to be some heck of a guy.
There is need to be aware of the pre selecting mechanism. These are a combination of things.
Learning how to get women to approach you isn't hard at all, there is no need to fake anything nor the need to be at a certain social level.
Understand that for someone to walk up to you, you need to be approachable. Here, first impression is really counts. Be presentable, be well groomed, stand upright. Ok let's reverse the roles here, now, if you were to approach a girl its obvious that you would expect her to look the part to be worth the time.
Same principle applies.
When in a public place, relax have an upright body posture, don't be phased, by what's going on around even if you are alone and don't have anyone to talk too. It's important you become comfortable being around yourself, try and be friendly to the people around, don't forget to smile.
It's not that easy for a woman to walk up to a man and introduce herself, and its not their fault. Women need to feel the attraction, that something that draws her to you. Find out the secret behind attracting beautiful women