2011年5月10日 星期二

Women Approaching Men - 5 Secrets For Getting Women to Notice You and Make the First Move

Here's a question I get all the time: "Hey Scot, how do I know when a woman is interested in me? And how can I get women to approach me first?"

Okay, that's actually two questions. But you get the point.

Well, we all know that women are typically subtle creatures. They aren't often going to come whack you upside the melon with a 2×4 and announce, "Hey stoopid...I'm into you."

On second thought, maybe in certain parts of Brooklyn and/or Queens that could happen. And having gone to school in downtown Filthydelphia, I might have to make an exception there also.

But I digress.

Even though most guys habitually miss women's subtle indicators of interest, all is not lost. In fact, this post is dedicated to lazy guys everywhere who want to hit the "easy button" and bypass all of the Chick Whispering altogether.

Here, at long last, are five bona fide ways you can get women to approach you for a change.

Let's get on with it...

Be A Bartender Or Waiter
So you want to get your bar/club game in order? Try working at one. I might even include "bouncer" on the "A list" of must-have jobs. Then again, if AFC's persist in buying the hottest women drinks, then that would obviate my point. Let's put you behind the bar and hope for the best anyway. After all, some hottie somewhere has got to be buying her own drinks...um, right?

On second thought, why not just be a waiter? Go sling hash at Red Lobster and serve Sailor's Platters all day to cuties. And businessmen on their lunch break.

Here's a better idea, work in the kitchen. That way the waitresses have to approach you constantly...all shift long.

Take Your Dog To The Park
Ingredients: One dalmatian. One red scarf. One frisbee. Combine into one local park and mix thoroughly. Now that's a recipe for getting mobbed by women if I've ever seen one.

No dalmatian? A Labrador, Shetland Sheepdog or Australian Shepherd should do. Or just take a Chihuahua and stand there holding it until someone wants to pet it.

And if all else fails, at least you aren't going home alone...right?

Work At The Mall
What do women love more than anything? Shopping, of course. And where are the most shops to do such shopping located? You guessed it...the mall.

Don't even think about working at Champs or some other guy store, though.

And don't get your logic crossed up and go work at Fashion Bug or something either. Only completely style-free women shop there.

And it's not like you can go to Petite Sophisticate and get a job either. That's just flat-out creepy.

What you need to do is be the guy standing in the food court handing out Chick-Fil-A. Hot women love Chick-Fil-A. And Orange Juliuses too. I guess. Nah, stick with Chick-Fil-A. The name says it all.

Never mind the fact that you're only getting minimum wage for your trouble. This is about scoring the babes.

Babysit Your Niece And Go Public
First, get an older sister or brother. Next, make them have a kid or two. Then, get the kid to grow up so she (preferably) is potty-trained.

From there, you've got about 18-24 months to get to babysittin'.

Dress the cute little girl up and take her where women tend to hang out. Like Chick-Fil-A.

I got mobbed by the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders at ELP airport one day with this strategy. Except the kid happened to be my daughter. And I was married to the kids Mom. So no "digits". Bummer.

Wear A Red Shirt To Target

Now, let me be forthright. I don't have a lot of red shirts. After all, red means "stop".

Nonetheless, one day I happened to "hit the Target" wearing one of those red shirts.

If you haven't figured out the significance of this section yet, people who work at Target wear red shirts. And it's not even like they have standard, company-issue uni or anything. They just wear some red shirt they dug out of the closet...or some freshman football player's locker.

This means that if the planets are aligned and you happen to drop in the local Target with a red shirt on, you're fittin' to get mobbed. By beautiful women. And by old guys who can't find the Metamucil.

But the point is, they're approaching you.

OK, by now you've probably figured out that this is a semi-serious post, at best.

With all the time we spend around here talking about "manning up", my role as a dating coach to men is always going to be to encourage guys to do the approaching. I can't really expect you to sit here and listen to me blather on about "women approaching you" with a straight face.

After all, if you're waiting around for women to approach you, you might wait a long time. Even if you take the list I gave above seriously, you've got to admit there are some "surgical procedures" involved. You've got to be in the right place at the right time under the right circumstances.

So why not avoid the hassle altogether and go talk to some women? Make the first move. Be proactive. It feels better than wearing a red shirt to Target.

Scot McKay's brand new relationship management system The Leading Man is found at: http://www.the-leading-man.com

Stop by right now and Scot will give you four FREE videos along with a steady stream of FREE bonuses in your inbox...all when you sign up for the X & Y Communications Newsletter.

Also be sure to check out The Chick Whisperer podcast on iTunes.

2011年5月9日 星期一

How to Get Women to Answer Their Phones When You Call

The goal of emailing women on dating sites it to get their phone numbers, which can then lead to meeting in the real world.

In this article you'll learn what to do once you get a woman's number, and how to transition from emailing to talking on the phone.

Why Women Don't Answer Their Phones After Giving You Their Number

Many women will give you their phone number and then never pick up when you call.

A woman that doesn't answer your calls or return your messages makes absolutely no sense. After all, if she's not interested, why would she have given you her number in the first place?

The explanation comes down to attraction. If you can attract a woman, she will likely give you her phone number. However, attraction is a fleeting emotion.

A woman might be momentarily attracted to you, say from a funny email you sent her, and give you her number, but then a few days later when you call her she doesn't answer because those feelings of attraction are gone.

So what do you do then? How do you get a woman to answer her phone when you call or return your messages?

Well, first we have to go back a little bit.

Attraction Starts Before You Call A Woman

If a woman was guilted into giving you her number or just being polite, of course she's not going to answer when you call.

Make sure you're getting women's numbers because they are attracted to you, not because they are being polite. That is the first step to getting a woman to answer her phone when you call.

So let's say you have attracted a woman and she has given you her number. What then?

Well, you can just call her, but the problem with that is only a small percentage of women will actually answer their phone.

One reason women don't answer their phones is because they don't recognize your number.

If a woman doesn't answer her phone, you'll have to leave a message. You'll then have to wait for her to call you back, if she ever does.

Some guys have realized leaving messages on women's voicemail doesn't work very well, so they get smart and text her.

Setting up a date through text can be done and I have done it, however, doing that prevents you from attracting her over the phone, which is very powerful.

Setting up dates through text also eliminates the chance you have to qualify a woman to make sure she'll be fun once you meet up with her. It's much better to find out if a woman is a dud on the phone before you take the time to meet up with her.

Going out with women who have nothing to say, who are boring, who are negative, or who you have no chemistry with is a waste of time. And you can't find out any of that information through text, but you can over the phone.

I have disqualified a lot of women over the phone and thereby saved my time for other women. I've learned this by making the mistake of meeting up with women who were duds on the phone and then were duds in person too.

My rule of thumb is if you have no chemistry or don't have fun with a woman on the phone, there is no point in meeting up with her in person. I'm sure there are exceptions, but this rule will save you a lot of wasted time with women who suck in person.

So now you know why talking to a woman on the phone is important, but how do you get her to pick up her phone?

How To Get A Woman To Program Your Number Into Her Phone Before You Call

How do you get around the problem of a woman not recognizing your number?

You get her to program your number into her phone before you call her. This greatly increases the chances a woman will actually answer her phone when you call.

I'm going to give you a text message in just moment that will persuade most women to program your number into their phone, but first there are a couple things to keep in mind.

You'll want to call a woman on the same day you text her this message. And you want to have a few hours between the time you text her and then call her.

So if a woman gives her number in the evening or at night, you'll probably want to wait until the next day to text her.

If a woman emails you her number early in the day you can text her and then call her that same night.

Here's the text message:

Hi. Just wanted to give you my number too. - Brandon

(Obviously you'll want to leave your name instead of mine.)

Very simple, but very powerful.

This text does several things very effectively.

First, it makes it seem like she asked for your number and you were just being polite by giving it to her. This is powerful because it gives value to your number.

Second, there is a subtle suggestion that she should program her number into her phone. So rather than seeing a number she doesn't recognize, she'll see your name when you call.

Third, it prepares her for your call. She'll assume the next thing you're going to do is call her.

Most women will text back something like, "Thanks, how are you doing?" or "Hey! What are you up to?" I'll usually text back something like, "Just working. I'll call you tonight."

I keep it brief when I text a woman back because I don't want to have a conversation through text. It's very easy to lose momentum when a woman doesn't text back right away, and if you lose momentum she might not answer her phone.

After you send the text, wait a few hours and then call her. (I like to call between 8 and 9:30 pm.) Most women will now answer when you call.

Some women won't text you back. That's not a big deal. Just call her a few hours after you send the text anyway.

Try out this text and let me know how it goes.

Brandon Duran

Getting women's phone numbers on dating sites is critical to meeting them in the real world. (If you don't know how to get a woman's number on dating sites see how to get a girls number.) But after you get a woman's number, you've then got to do a lot of other things right in order to meet her in person.

If you'd like to find out what those other things are, check out the Get Her To Respond blog. It's packed with cutting edge online dating advice to help you meet and date more women from online dating sites. Brandon Duran, creator of the Get Her To Respond blog and the premier online dating coach, has condensed some of his best techniques for meeting women online, and it's all free on the blog. Check it out now http://www.gethertorespond.com/

How to Get Women to Sleep With You Like the Pros Do - The Alpha Male System

Taking hot women home with you doesn't have to be hard. The top pickup artists have already done the work of finding out what makes women attracted to men. Why reinvent the wheel? Why not use what these alpha males have already discovered to kick your chances of getting with a hot girl to the next level?

I used to have a tough time getting women to be attracted to me. I studied women to find out just what it was that made them "tick" when it came to attraction. Then I discovered that the ground work had already been completed for me. Why was I wasting my time when I could learn from a pro?

Attraction in women works differently then men (I know you are saying "duh" right now, but its true). There are specific triggers that make women turned on. If you understand how these triggers work you can easily get women to want you.

If you are tired of being one of those guys without a date on the weekend, if you want to attract more hot women when you head out to the bar, then you owe it to yourself to find out how to become the alpha male that girls desire. There are systems out there that can show you the way. Before you spend any more of your hard-earned money trying to impress a girl, choose to invest that money in yourself.

Would you like to be the alpha male? Are you ready to change your luck with women?

You can become the Alpha Male that women want.

Check out the Alpha Male System and change your life right now!

2011年5月8日 星期日

How to Get Women in Bed - 3 Tips to Make a Woman Want You In Her Room

Dating can be fun when you are meeting women and having a good time. It can be a lot MORE fun when you are not just meeting women, but also getting them in bed with you. If you want to be the kind of guy that seems to have an easy time getting women into bed with you, then there are a few things that you need to discover. When you know what makes a woman want to go to bed with you, then being able to seduce a woman into bed becomes pretty easy.

Here are 3 tips that you need to know if you want to get women into bed:

1. Women don't go to bed with guys that lack confidence when they are around them.

This one simple thing really is the foundation for getting women into bed with you. Confidence alone may not make you become the next Don Juan, but not having confidence will have you going home alone with no one but yourself in the bed. One of the easiest ways to gain confidence with women is to just get out there and start surrounding yourself with women. You cannot help but to become more confident when you are used to being around sexy women.

2. Women go to bed with guys that know how to push the right buttons.

We've all heard about pushing the right buttons on a woman, but it means nothing if you do not know what those buttons are or how to "activate" them. To do this, you have to provoke the right emotions in a woman, the ones that make her feel good and associate YOU with these emotions. Passion, lust, excitement. These are the kinds of emotions that make women want to go to bed with a guy. These are the buttons that you need to push if you are going to get laid more often.

3. You have to be able to time yourself to make the move at just the right moment.

Don't get too caught up in the idea that everything has to be perfect or that you have to do things at the right second, but you do need to have the timing down to where you are able to make your move when she is "ripe" and ready. The difference in making your move when a woman is still kind of cold and when she is already warmed up can mean that you end up getting nothing at all in the end.

Want to be able to get women in bed with YOU by pushing the RIGHT buttons at the RIGHT moment?

Click Here to Get Your FREE Report on How to Approach, Attract, and Seduce Beautiful Women...

Copyright ? 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved.

2011年5月7日 星期六

Top Six Factors Affecting the Chance of Getting Women Pregnant

Many couples these days are having problems in conceiving a baby. Men and women are poorly oriented by some methods and factors that increase the chance of?getting women pregnant.

Around 6.1 million couples are affected by infertility. That is around 10 percent of the population of women who are already capable of getting pregnant according to National Survey of Family Growth, CDC 1995. Women who are affected by infertility can be affected as early as they have started their menstrual cycle. But most of the affect women are those who are in the ages of 30 to 40.

Getting women pregnant may be a challenge for couples since there are numerous factors that may cause infertility among women.

First, ovulation complications are the major cause of infertility and they are caused by six common factors. People should know the 6 most common factor that cause infertility among women tor them to avoid them and be successful in getting women pregnant.
Second, ovulation problems are likely to surface in middle-aged women and even in the 30's. Women in general do not want to be pregnant in an early age. As much as possible most women would like to get pregnant as soon as they are successful in terms of money and that would usually happen in the middle ages. As women age, so as their gametes particularly the egg cell. And as the egg cell ages, the quality diminishes. This then results to a decreased chance of getting women pregnant.
Third, problems may arise in the fallopian tubes of women decreasing the chances of getting women conceived. Of course, people know that the fallopian tubes in women are one of the most vital parts of the reproductive system. And when the fallopian tube is blocked, getting women pregnant would virtually be impossible. This blockage in the fallopian tube of women prevents the egg cell to travel down the uterus and meet the sperm cell. Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is one of the most common causes of the blockage in the fallopian tube. PIDs infect the pelvic organs in women causing cysts and adhesions on the ovary and the fallopian tube. This prevents the egg from making it down to the uterus for the conception.
Fourth, too much exercise may bring difficulties in getting women pregnant as women get thinner. And, being thin may lead to amenorrhea, a complication where a woman misses menstrual cycle and periods. This would be an indication that a particular woman is experiencing a halt in her fertilization. Moreover, it would not only mean exercise, but also it can be caused b severe stress since recent studies have shown a link in stress and infertility among women.
Fifth, Uterine fibroids may cause a slight chance of getting women pregnant. Uterine fibroids are benevolent tumors that grow in the lining of the uterus. These tumors can cause heavy bleeding and severe pain in the pelvic area. Although uterine fibroids may not mainly affect the fertility of women, some experts have already found that the uterine fibroid is capable of blocking the fallopian tube of the women. Thus, disabling the egg cell from going down the uterus for fertilization as mentioned above. Furthermore, uterine fibroids can cause premature delivery.
Lastly, smoking can greatly affect the reproductive system of women rendering men with lessened chance of getting women pregnant. The 49 carcinogens and other harmful chemicals that could damage the egg cell making it difficult for the sperm cell to penetrate and start the fertilization of the egg cell. Furthermore, the chemicals in the stick of death may cause miscarriage.

Upon knowing the factors that greatly affect the decreased chance of getting women pregnant, people particularly women should be wary of the factors and how they can avoid these factors. They should first consult their gynecologists and other medical experts to know what effective ways they can utilize to increase the chance of?getting women pregnant.

Alice J. Johnson

Pay Close Attention Here:
To increase your chances of getting pregnant there are some things that can't be explained in a short article. Take a look here to find out more secrets on getting women pregnant.

How to Get Women to Notice You - 2 Guaranteed Ways to Make Women Interested

Do you want women to notice you without having to TRY and get them to notice you? Most men who are new to seduction think that it's all about "making" women like them by using cute little routines. This is absolutely wrong. In order to be successful with women you need to get away from all the structure and really get in touch with your true alpha man. Here is how to get women to notice you.

How to Get Women to Notice You

1. Become the Life of the Party

Yes, I know you've heard this many times before. But I am going to actually explain what being the life of a party is all about. You see, the guys who go out to clubs for the sole reason of picking up women have only a fraction of the success that other guys have when they go out for their OWN purpose.

Rather than focusing on impressing the women, you should be intrinsically focused on your own self-entertainment. When you are out to have YOUR OWN fun women will be drawn towards you because you become the life of the party. Women just want to have fun. So show them how much fun YOU are having and they will want to be a part of it.

2. Pre-selection

One of the most effective ways to get noticed by women is by already having beautiful women around you. This is precisely why I stress the fact that guys should focus on building a solid network of female friends.

When you show up to a club with some sexy women, the other women are going to KNOW that you already have something of value to offer. And they will find out what that is. Curiosity is a very powerful tool in attraction.

And Remember...

If you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language...this much I know for sure

2011年5月6日 星期五

Understanding Attraction - The Key to Getting Women

If you want women learn to attract them

Attraction is the primary need to get women. The initial thing you have to do is learn about attraction. It is vital that you learn everything there is to know about attraction because without it you will have no chance at all. Guys for the most part go for women that they are attracted to physically. Women on the other hand go for men they are attracted to on a mental level. So if you learn the way to spark that mental interest you will be well on the way to attracting the women that you desire. Remember this if you want to have women be attracted to you, the first thing you need to do is take steps to be attractive to them.

Attraction is the primary important fact in getting women

This is great for us guys. Of course spending 5 hours a day at the gym to have washboard abs can never hurt. Looks matter to a point, but if you spend those same five hours every single day working on your personality, you presentation and your charm with women, you will easily beat the gym guy. That is not to say that shape isn't a factor. Being presentable is important. 50 extra pounds is not attractive to women. But 10-15 extra pounds really will not matter in the long run. To attract her you need to work on the following personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. If you can improve on that list, and learn a few "tricks" along the way you will be well on your way to getting women.

Since attraction is such an essential part of getting women, I hope that you would check this out: The Attraction Master. It will show you detailed hints and examples from every single one of the important personality traits: confidence, self-assurance, humor, charisma, communication, flirting and complete understanding of body language. Understanding attraction is not nearly as difficult as men often think.

2011年5月5日 星期四

How to Get Women to Approach You - The Simple Way

Let me ask you, Does the prospect of a woman walking up to you and striking up conversation with little or no effort on your part seem like a distant reality? It's very rare to find a girl approaching a guy. Research shows that generally quite a number of men will turn down a woman's advances. Crazy isn't it. Why turn her down? This brings us to the mechanics on how to get women to approach you.

Acknowledge that, women will not just walk up to any guy they see.

Understand women suck at approaching men and they know it, so for a her to risk the prospects of rejection and approach you. Dude you need to be some heck of a guy.

There is need to be aware of the pre selecting mechanism. These are a combination of things.

Learning how to get women to approach you isn't hard at all, there is no need to fake anything nor the need to be at a certain social level.

Understand that for someone to walk up to you, you need to be approachable. Here, first impression is really counts. Be presentable, be well groomed, stand upright. Ok let's reverse the roles here, now, if you were to approach a girl its obvious that you would expect her to look the part to be worth the time.

Same principle applies.

When in a public place, relax have an upright body posture, don't be phased, by what's going on around even if you are alone and don't have anyone to talk too. It's important you become comfortable being around yourself, try and be friendly to the people around, don't forget to smile.

It's not that easy for a woman to walk up to a man and introduce herself, and its not their fault. Women need to feel the attraction, that something that draws her to you. Find out the secret behind attracting beautiful women

How to Get Women - Impress Women

There are so many ways to get women that most men don't even know about. Many men, like a lot of people, have a very false sense of security and a bad case of rejection fever when it comes to women. The key to how to get women to be interested in you has a lot to do with what I like to call the APES checklist: Appearance/hygiene, Personality, Elegance, and security.


What you look like obviously has a big deal on whether or not you'll impress a woman, but it is by no means the deal breaker. Hygiene can play a critical role in determining what type of man your really are. Make sure you have clean teeth, or a breath mint handy, every time you approach a woman. A good rule of thumb is to, believe it or not, lick the back side of your hand and then smell it. I know it sounds nasty but try this one sometime, because it will really give you a idea of what your breath really smells like. Some other important aspects of appearance include getting to the gym regularly (also a great place to get women), frequent hair cuts, a nice inexpensive bottle of after shave, and a style that is different from everyone else.


This is a really big one, because a guy without a personality is likely to get the boot before he even makes an entrance. Now this is a hard judge because not everyone is the same. You may be the type of person that is an introvert and there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to realize that the personality that you give off will determine the type of women your going to get. What you say and do need to be in synch with each other, otherwise you'll just be like anyone else. A big part of your personality should reflect the type of person your going to be in two months, not just the guy your trying to be right now.


Opening doors, saying please and thank you at dinner, and walking an old lady across the street can go a long way in showing women that your a true man. Don't laugh, its worked wonders for a lot of guys.


Be secure in your own manhood, and don't copy off of your friends. I see so many friends out at bars and clubs that have the same hair do, dress in basically the same clothes, wearing the same cheap cologne, and drinking the same beers. Avoid all that by asking your friends what there wearing out, try a new cologne, even wear a something different than everyone else is. I once wore a sharks tooth necklace out all the time and would get so many women asking me where I got it from. Other guys thought I looked stupid wearing the thing, but I would end up with 3 girls numbers in my pocket and they would be talking to the mirror at the end of the night. The point is, be secure in your own way, and you'll end up getting a lot more women than you could imagine.

Want to find other ways to meet and attract women [http://www.2havefun.com/How-to-attract-and-impress-women.html]? Check out our free information on how to impress women [http://www.2havefun.com/How-to-attract-and-impress-women.html]

Rob Vrabel is an expert EzineArticles author.

2011年5月4日 星期三

Get Women to Love You Every Time!

There are a lot of ways to get women to love you. I've spent many years researching what women want. I also spent a great deal of my life wondering what it is women want. That's why it took it upon myself to start doing this research. I've talked to countless women and read many books. As I've learned more and more I started seeing a pattern. I guess you could call these the rules of love and for most women the rules are the same.

So, if you want to get women to love you then you need to follow some of these rules. Women love men that are exciting. By being exciting you change the pace of their everyday life and that's what most women want. Do something different from the same old thing every day. Women also love men that have a hint of danger. Have you ever noticed how many guys riding a motorcycle have a gorgeous chick on the back. That's because women love to be a little dangerous. Also look at how many of these professional dirt bike riders have hot women hanging all over them.

These are some of the number one rules to follow if you want to get women to love you. As I said before I used to be horrible I getting girls to go out with me, let alone love me. That's why I chose to devote so much of my time on researching what it is woman want.

But you don't have to do like I did, spending countless amounts of time trying to figure out women, that's because I've done the research for you. I have found a way to get almost any woman and trust me I do almost every day. But none of this would be possible if it wasn't for this great method I discovered. Just go check out this article and see for yourself Get Women To Love You!

2011年5月3日 星期二

Top Tips on How to Get Women

Dress well whenever you leave your home. In order to attract women, you must first appear attractive. This does not mean that you have to be the best looking man alive. But it does mean that you should take time to groom yourself, and look your best every day. You do not necessarily have to wear the latest, most fashionable clothes. Most women are impressed with a man that simply looks clean and neat.

Try a crisp, white dress shirt, tucked into a nice pair of jeans with a nice belt. With a fresh shave and a hair cut, this simple look can go a long way. Shoes are also important. It is not necessary to spend a fortune on your shoes, but dust them off every now and then for a more polished look.

Be yourself. Women can spot a fake guy from a mile away. Be comfortable with who you are, and work your strongest points. You may have a great personality. If so, use it when you talk to women. You may have a great head of hair. Keep it clean and shiny and women will love it. If you have a sense of humor, that can come in handy if used sparingly. If you are well travelled, well read, or well informed on the latest gadgets, use your knowledge and experience to add interest to your personal brand.

To get women, you should make your initial contact very subtle. When you meet women, never come on to them too strongly. Since you are a complete stranger to them, it is very easy for women to become annoyed or turned off by the wrong approach. Say a few brief words to test the waters. If she responds, say a few more words. Do not give women too much of yourself too soon. If you can strike up a conversation that leads to a date, or you are able to exchange phone numbers, then the conversation is finished. Do not go any further. Give her something to wonder about until she can see you again.

If you would like to find out more, please visit http://howtogetgirlstheeasyway.com.

How to Get Women to Notice You - Keys to Attracting Female Attention

As a guy, you should be well aware of the fact that if you cannot attract female attention, if you don't know how to get women to notice you, then you are going to end up spending a lot of lonely nights. Too many guys knows that all too well, as a matter of fact. Problem is, just knowing that you need to attract female attention is not really an answer as to how, is it? Being able to solve the how is half the battle.

Good looking single women get a lot of male attention, so if you are going to somehow standout, then you need to be able to rise above the ranks of all of the other guys that she comes across. Thankfully, it might not be as hard as it seems to get women to notice you.

Here are 3 keys to attracting female attention:

1. Women notice guys that know how to dress with style.

Now, you don't have to turn into a metro sexual overnight, but you do have to carry yourself with some kind of a style and it needs to be unique to you. Women love men that have style, just think about how they go gaga over guys that dress like rock stars, guys that dress in 3 piece suits, and guys that can pull of that jock look. Whatever your style is, carry it well, and make sure that you try to look the best that you can whenever you go out.

2. Women notice guys that other women notice.

It's funny how universal this is. No matter where you go, what country or state that you are in, women DO pay attention to guys that seem to be able to attract other women. Well, to pull this off, you have to socialize with women, even if they are not necessarily the ones that you want to end up with. Become friends with women, and go out for a night of fun with them. You just might be surprised how that can lead to another women noticing you.

3. Women pay attention to men that have a sense of charisma.

Charismatic men always get attention from women, be it on the job, in a club, or whatever setting they might be in. Some say that you cannot create charisma, that you are just born with it. That's nonsense. Take a look at guys that have that charismatic flair and pay attention to the way that they carry themselves. Eventually it will begin to rub off on you.

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2011年5月2日 星期一

Mastery With Women & Dating

Mastery With Women & DatingThis program is designed to turn hit and miss successes with women into consistent, repeatable, and MASSIVE success. It will show you how to put your attraction skills on auto-pilot and effortlessly attract women as an every day part of your life. Youll be able to use what you learn THE SAME NIGHT you get the program, and youll see results INSTANTLY. I guarantee it.


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What Women Want in Bed - Ways to Get Women Off

Do you think you know what women want in bed. Ask most guys if they know the ways to get a woman off and they think they do. From someone with no experience to a guy who has only been with one woman for twenty years, every guy will claim knowledge. It is something that men do not want to admit not knowing about. Unfortunately it is not all about sexual technique, although that is a part of it. Knowing what women want in bed and utilizing all of the techniques can give many women an orgasm before penetration.

Take the lead

What women want in bed is a confident man. The want it from the time they meet up until the consummation of a sexual relationship. Be confident and take the lead sexually. You are a man, act like one and please you lady.

Take your time

There is no need to rush things. If you want to really make a woman happy the opposite is true, take your time and make her truly enjoy it If you race to the end and then roll over to watch the end of, "Survivor" you are doing her no favors when it comes to satisfaction.

Foreplay: One of the important things women want in bed

For ways to get a woman off foreplay is a must. What women want in bed is lots of foreplay and teasing. Start at her toes and work your ways up slowly nibbling suckling and teasing her. Again, Take your time.

Dirty Talk

Keep a conversation going. Talk dirty. Spice it up. Call her a "bad girl". Play this one by ear. If the girl seems really excited go for more; if she doesn't keep it at a minimum.

Romance her

Knowing what women want in bed is not all action and dirty talk. Maybe even before you start make sure that you romance her. Candlelit dinner, rose-pedals on the bet. Make her feel like the center of the universe. Some of it may seem corny but these things really help to get women off.

Sexual intimacy is a big thing women want in bed

Intercourse is a close act. You literally cannot get any closer. Make sure that this is not just a physical thing. Talk to her. Some of it can be dirty talk, but also let her know you care and ask leading questions were she can let you know what she, "wants in bed" both before, during and after the act.

Further training

This has just been a pretty basic guide. With it you can turn a 3 star performance into a 7 star performance. No matter what, unless you are already using these methods it will improve your results. To learn more methods, as well as many ways to get the Women in Bed in the first place, check out The Attraction Master.

The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human [VHS]

The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human [VHS]This whimsical sex comedy presents itself as an alien documentary on the rituals and habits of terrestrial romance. Featuring Mackenzie Astin (The Last Days of Disco) and a tightly clad Carmen Electra (from the once-popular TV show Baywatch) as the Male and Female, the movie's at its best when the alien's commentary (voiced with supercilious aplomb by David Hyde Pierce, Wolf, Frasier) misinterprets flirting behavior at nightclubs. The jokes grow thinner as dating turns into a relationship (and the humor's perspective is decidedly male). Still, there are moments of wit, and the overall tone of The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human is more silly than smarmy, which sets it apart from most of the sex comedy genre. Also featuring Lucy Liu (Charlie's Angels). --Bret Fetzer

Price: $14.95

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2011年5月1日 星期日

Pregnancy Wheel and Ovulation Calendar

Pregnancy Wheel and Ovulation CalendarOur 9 Months Plus Pregnancy Wheel is the ideal ovulation calendar and pregnancy wheel for trying-to-conceive and pregnant women. Know when you are most fertile, when to test for pregnancy, when to visit the doctor for important tests and check-ups, and when you will likely deliver your baby! The 9 Months Plus Pregnancy Wheel allows you to: Predict fertility with an ovulation calendar that is adjustable for short, long, or irregular menstrual cycles. A one-of-a-kind feature! Predict dates for ovulation, peak fertility, implantation of the egg, pregnancy testing, and your missed period. Determine fetal weight and length on a weekly basis as well as other important pregnancy milestones. Know when to visit your doctor for important tests and check-ups! From conception to due-date, the 9 Months Plus Pregnancy Wheel is designed to help you become pregnant - and provide important information and reminders throughout your entire pregnancy. Designed by fertility expert Amos Grunebaum, MD, the pregnancy wheel is ideal for trying-to-conceive couples, doctors and Ob/Gyns, as well as midwives and nurses. Other key reminder dates include: Fetal Heartbeat Nuchal Translucency Triple Screen Amniocentiesis Ultrasound Viability Fetal Movement Due Date and Post Term

Price: $7.95

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How to Get Women - 5 Free Tips

Men are made for women. It is the reality ever since God made Adam and Eve. But nowadays, it is not that easy to get women. Getting women for some men is an excessive task to do. However men should worry no more because this article is meant for them. Here are five tips on how to get women.

The very first tip is to know yourself. You must know both your strengths and weaknesses. Your weaknesses should be immediately changed into strengths while your strengths should be further improved. Your strengths may be your physical appearance or your personality. Being handsome is not a big issue in getting women. It is because it is undeniable that not all men were bore handsome. Thus, if you know for yourself that you are not that handsome, then at least make yourself look good. In terms of your personality, you should have good humor and communication skills. Women don't want to go out with men who are boring and nonsense.

The second tip on how to get women is to put all your strengths into use. Determining your strengths does not end there. You have to apply what you have just figured out to win the woman you like. You have to use your identified strengths as a weapon in defeating the wooden heart of most women. Furthermore, you have to exert much effort to achieve your very goal which is to have the woman of your life.

Another tip on is to practice all your instilled and acquired knowledge on how to get women. This does not mean that you will try it to all the girls out there. Well, sometimes good girl friends will do. Ask them if what traits you have which will surely turn off women.

Next, is to know her body language. Indeed, actions speak louder than spoken words. Women are used to utilize their actions just to convey their feelings. If you are aware of women's body language, then it would be much easier for you to determine if the woman you like is already hooked by your presence.

The last tip on how to get women is to have a conversation with the woman you like. Conversation is a one good way on knowing very well the woman of your dreams. Make sure however, that your conversation is not that too serious for it might bore her. Furthermore, bear in mind that you ask appropriate questions. Unsuitable questions might scare her away. Make your conversation very interesting and smoothly sailing.

The aforementioned tips on how to get women varies on every woman. It is because not all women are alike. They differ from their looks and personalities. Moreover, by keeping these tips on mind and in heart, you will surely have an easy time on getting the woman that you like. And one last thing to remember, always make sure that the woman that you like is still single to avoid further problems. Never date women who are already attached!

Finally the secrets exposed on how to get women! Kelly will teach you in her FREE Quick Start Guide to attracting girls. Go to http://www.OnlineAttractionSecrets.com now!

Psychic Scan - Dating Tips For Women

Read His Mind! 50% com. This ebook is Red Hot! Easy, real 'psychic' mind tools from an international psychic. Great For Speed Dating! Instant xray on his hidden emotions. Find out if your date really loves you! What is he Really like deep down underneath!

Check it out!

Arousing Love

Arousing LoveZach knows Joanna is too young for him, but he has never felt like this about anybody before. Shea€?s so sweet and passionate and flirty and free, and the most beautiful girl Zach has ever known.

Joanna is swept away by her feelings for Zach as they grow increasingly passionate with each other. Shea€?s doing things shea€?d never normally do, but ita€?s like God has whispered in her heart Zach is the one for her.

The powerful forces of young love, sex and religion come crashing together in this romantic, sexually charged story.


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How to Get Women Desperate and Excited to Meet You

If you want to succeed at the dating game, you really need to learn how to set the right "vibe" about yourself. If you want to learn how to get women desperate and excited to meet you, then you will really want to read this. Here is how to give yourself a type of "rockstar" persona.

How to Get Women Desperate and Excited to Meet You

1. Arrive with Women

The easiest way to become a valued commodity among women is to ALREADY have women with you. You should focus on creating a solid network of beautiful women who are just friends. Going out with them to clubs will build social proof for yourself with the women there.

They will see that you already have some value to offer since other beautiful women are already with you.

2. Slow Movements

Slow down your movements. Make everything seem methodical to you. Slower movements convey high status to a woman. In other words, you are not looking like you are trying to "hurry" anything along.

This actually makes you LOOK like the party rather than like you are trying to hurry to get to the party.

3. BECOME High Status

A lot of "seduction gurus" never mention this because they know most guys are only looking for quick fixes. The best way to inspire interest within women is to actually become a high status man. And how do you become one?

Set lofty goal for yourself and work towards accomplishing them. Ambition is very sexy. Not only will women be interested in meeting you... they will want to be PART of your magnificent vision.

And remember...if you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language ... this much I know for sure